Congrats to the class of COVID-19!!!

Dame G
3 min readMay 28, 2020

It’s high school and college graduation time across the USA. Congratulations to the class of 2020. Welcome to a post pandemic world.

As guest speakers huddle up in living rooms across the country to zoom-deliver their commencement addresses, It’s not lost on anyone watching that the sitting POTUS (Trump) has been passed over for the traditional role of keynote speaker, usually reserved for the current occupant of the WH, in favor of his predecessor and arch nemesis (Obama) as the nation most coveted virtual guest speaker simulcast by cable news outlets (CNN, CNBC). Even FOX News carried the event. Goes to tell you how transcendent and cool Obama really is.

And now to the class of 2020

No one has to tell you that you are graduating right into the belly of the beast.

The timing, it seems, could not have been any worse. Worst economy, worst job prospects, cancelled internships, and the burden of student loan you’ll have to carry for the next 15–20 years. It goes on and on and on and on. The deck seems clearly stacked against you. I submit that none of you has ever lived through a recession as an adult let alone an economic depression. Instead of an opportunity oasis, the world has suddenly turned into a crucible of pandemic against your pre-scheduled success.

Responsibility is your new currency

As part of the larger community, your animal spirit has perhaps been dampened and your confidence shaken. Regardless, you have your work cut out for you. The onus has shifted and is now on you to understand that you are in the eye of the storm. Nothing will be easy from this point forward specially against the backdrop of what seems to be the first Black Swan of your young life. Don’t count on anyone being more empathetic or sympathetic because of the current situation. There aren’t going to be any more handouts only a few hand ups (perhaps) along the way. Out with the old entitlement mentality and In with accountability and responsibility.

Don’t be a victim of circumstances

Avoid pettifogging at all cost. Focus on the grand prize of life, Whatever that may be for each of you and never listen to the perennial prophets of doom.

Even though the world can sometime feel unwelcoming, it is nonetheless your oyster. The skills required to overcome adversity, adapt and persevere in a post-covid-19 world should already be in your quiver. The only way to crowbar open the vaults of life is to reach deeper and deeper. Just like those before you, the way you handle your symbiotic relationship with the real world will determine how far you get. Proceed with caution.

Defy the odds

The big knock on the current crop of graduating college students is that they enter the real world ill-equipped and under prepared having spent way more time on extracurricular activities than they did on academic pursuits, thus making it harder to cope with and adjust to the demands and challenges of the real world. I don’t buy that for a second. College is hard. Really hard. And anyone who makes it through the slog of 4 tough, grueling years deserves a lot of credit.

Parting words

As Lin Manual Miranda put it in her2017 commencement address at uPenn:

Here’s. to “years of blind alleys, one night-wonders, soul-crushing jobs and wake-up calls, crisis of confidence, moments of transcendence.”

All this just to say What does not kill you makes you stronger.

Call Mom & Dad and the grand parents too while at it.

Before you sail through the journey of life, here’s a reminder: Call Mom and Dad, and from the abyss of your heart thank them for their unwavering, unconditional love and support throughout. Thanks them for being the personification of goodness. Thank them for being the invisible, steady hand at the tiler. Thank them for just being there throughout. Very important that you do this.

Enjoy virtual graduation day and get ready for the challenges of tomorrow. I have no doubt you’ll do just fine.



Dame G

A Dad, A Software Engineer, An all around Geek, An Economics Aficionado, A Professional Student. So teach me something